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My name is Travis Poppenhusen. I'm a programmer. I just graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science in December 2013.
My intention is to get a job in the video games industry. I've always been passionate about games and what they can do for us. There is so much potential for games to do a lot of good, and I'd really like to explore those possibilities.
I also dabble in many other things:
- I've built my own Proton Pack. From scratch. And it works.
- I was one of the co-directors for AggieCon 44: Now With More SCIENCE! in 2012-2013.
- I frequently volunteer at other conventions, such as A-Kon, ConDFW, and FenCon.
- I am a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
- I am in the planning stages to build a MAME arcade cabinet.